Route of the Chapels

Directions: Start at the Spa, with the chapel of Saint Zoilo: take the road to town and in the intersection with the road to Enciso (Soria) you can find the chapel of the Virgin of la Torre. Follow down that road and at the end of the town to your right there’s the one-arch bridge leading to the cemetery; you must cross the bridge and after climbing a small hill you reach the chapel of San Andrés and San Blas. Continue down the path until you reach a fork where you take the left trail reaching the chapel of Saint Miguel. A few meters ahead you will see a mound: the ice well. Go around it if you want to see the hole through which they fed the snow in winter. Continue down the path and at the peak you can find the chapel of Peñalba, from where you can see the meadow of Cidacos. The descent asks that you surround the mountain until you reach the LR-115. Once you reach the road you can connect with the Via Verde towards Arnedillo, a short 50 meters and walk down the road to find the chapel of Santiago to your right.

Approximate Time: 2 hours (Arnedillo itinerary, since two itineraries exist).